We’re pleased to announce that a special issue of the Journal of Education and Work (volume 30, 2017) in honour of Professor David Raffe has now been published. It can be accessed at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjew20/current.
The special issue “Bridging Divides – social science, educational policy and the improvement of education and training systems: an appreciation of the contribution of David Raffe (1950 – 2015)’ has been edited by Cathy Howieson of CES and Ken Spours and Michael Young of the Institute of Education, University College London. It highlights the immense contribution David made to educational research and features articles by leading researchers in the UK, Europe and US that demonstrate the continuing relevance of his intellectual legacy.
The Introduction to the special issue can be downloaded at
It features a contribution by Cathy Howieson and Linda Croxford ‘ To Know Ourselves? Research, data and policy-making in the Scottish education system”: