Dr Linda Croxford has been working with colleagues at CREID on a study “Pupils as Citizens”, which explores ‘active citizenship’ in a wide range of Scottish schools. The report and summary of the research are now available.
The project was funded by the Gordon Cook Foundation, who said: “The Trustees were so excited by the report that they wished to ensure that the findings were as widely disseminated as possible.”
The study explores issues of pupil participation, responsibility and ‘active citizenship’ in a wide range of Scottish primary and secondary schools. It highlights differences between the recommendations of curriculum policy and what pupils say happens at their schools. Differences are greatest in the secondary sector. The authors – Jane Brown, Linda Croxford and Sarah Minty – conclude that there is considerably more scope to integrate pupil participation in decision making more widely at school.
The summary briefing is available at: http://www.docs.hss.ed.ac.uk/education/creid/Briefings/Briefing34.pdf
The full report “Pupils as Citizens: Participation, responsibility and voice in the transition from primary to secondary school” is available from CREID (email: creid-education@ed.ac.uk)
For further details of the project see: