
Articles by Lindsay Paterson, using Scottish Young People’s Survey

Two journal articles using the Scottish Young People’s Survey (SYPS) have just been published by Professor Lindsay Paterson, and can be accessed on this website. The articles ‘The experience of school in Scotland, 1970s to 1990s’ and ‘Curriculum and opportunity in Scottish secondary education: a half-century of expansion and inequality’ shed light on how educational … Continued

CES briefings downloaded over 1/4 million times in 5 years

An analysis of people accessing our ‘CES Briefings’ shows that over the 5-year period from 2014-2018, the 66 pdfs were downloaded a total of 266,000 times – note that these were not ‘hits’ but actual successful downloads of whole pdfs. The single most downloaded briefing was no. 35 ‘Does Education Promote Social Mobility?’ by Cristina … Continued

High turnout for public lecture in honour of David Raffe

There was a great response to the lecture in honour of Professor David Raffe, chaired by Professor Rowena Arshad OBE (above) and delivered by Professor Lindsay Paterson, with over 125 people squeezing into the venue. David, in his roles as Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Edinburgh and Director of its Centre for Educational Sociology, … Continued

Qualifications across borders

CES Associate John Hart is a member of the UNESCO Expert Group on World Reference Levels (WRLs). The group was set up in at the end of 2015 to respond to the growing need for a reliable and manageable way to supplement and simplify the current processes of comparing, matching and recognising qualifications and credentials world-wide.  John … Continued